Our History:
The Begining
PaleoTech was started in mid-2019 as a solo build firm committed to creating unique and free custom maps and textures for the Minecraft Bedrock Edition community.
Now, as the identity and community of PaleoTech is quickly growing, we continue with our commitment to making free and high-quality maps for both the Java and bedrock editions, as well as offering custom-commissioned maps and designs.
Survival Cottage
Our first-ever map posted under the then-unnamed Planet Minecraft account, was built in early 2019 by our owner and lead builder SevenScroll.
This map laid the foundation for what PaleoTech was soon to become..
PaleoTech Plaza
Now, close to five years later, we continue to create and imagine in the worlds of Minecraft. Our latest major project "PaleoTech Plaza" comes as the single most detail-packed and advanced map to date, and we work to create even better builds every day.